Axiad Conductor SCIM Support
  • 13 Dec 2024
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Axiad Conductor SCIM Support

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Article summary

What is SCIM?

System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) is a standardized protocol that defines HTTP methods and endpoints used to create, retrieve, update and delete resources. Axiad's SCIM implementation follows the SCIM standards:

Why Should I Integrate Axiad Conductor with SCIM?

Integrating Axiad Conductor with SCIM will allow users and groups to be synchronized to Axiad Conductor from an Identity Provider (IdP). Using SCIM allows for a flexible integration to send only the required data to Axiad Conductor from your IdP. 

Attributes for Axiad Conductor SCIM Integration

The sections below describe the minimum attributes required for Axiad Conductor along with optional attributes that may be needed to enable additional features of Axiad Conductor. Please work with the Axiad Customer Success team before sending optional attributes via SCIM.

Axiad Conductor implements the following SCIM endpoints:

  • /Users

  • /Groups

There are pre-configured SCIM connectors available in the Entra ID marketplace, ForgeRock Backstage, and Okta. By using one of these SCIM connectors, the majority of the configuration is already completed. 

Reference the following guides for more information about using SCIM connectors published by Axiad.

Before You Begin

There is a required set of user attributes that are needed for Axiad Conductor to operate. Depending on the features in your Axiad Conductor tenant, additional attributes may be required. Prior to starting SCIM configuration in your IdP, contact your Axiad Customer Success representative or our Customer Success team to discuss your organization's integration and determine appropriate data attributes.

Required Attributes for /Users

The following table describes the required user attributes, at a minimum, when creating a user in UCMS via SCIM. There are other data attributes such as "id" and "meta" that are included in the SCIM create response (but are not described below as they are part of the standard SCIM data definition).

SCIM Attribute

Value Data Type



Single-value Boolean

The user's account status.

  • True: enables the account, and the user can sign in and provision credentials.

  • False: deactivates the account and blocks the user from signing in.


type: "work"

Multi-valued String

The user's email address.


Single-value String

The user's unique ID as defined by the provisioning client.

  • This is only required to be unique within the provisioning domain.


The user's last (or family) name


sub-attribute: "givenName"

Single-value String

The user's first name.


Multi-value String

The list of schemas used.
See the Create a User with Required Attributes example, below.


Single-value String

The service provider's unique identifier for the user.

  • This identifier must be unique across the service provider's entire set of users. 

  • This attribute is case insensitive. 

  • We recommend setting the attribute to the User's UPN value.

Example: Create a User with Required Attributes

The following is an example data payload for creating a user with the required minimum attributes:

{'active': 'true',
 'emails': [{'type': 'work', 'value': 'myUser@test.zz'}],
 'externalId': '222c2996-3fe9-481f-9127-6be70f8cbb94',
 'name': {'familyName': 'Lopez', 'givenName': 'Nicholas'},
 'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User',
 'userName': 'myUser@test.zz'}

Create user response:

<Response [201]>
{ 'active': True,
  'emails': [ { 'primary': False,
                'type': 'work',
                'value': 'myUser@test.zz'}],
  'externalId': '222c2996-3fe9-481f-9127-6be70f8cbb94',
  'id': '8b33298a-f3e9-4e89-9c4e-ab069cb35c82',
  'meta': { 'created': '2023-08-21T15:41:27Z',
            'lastModified': '2023-08-21T15:41:27Z',
            'location': '',
            'resourceType': 'user'},
  'name': {'familyName': 'Lopez', 'givenName': 'Alex'},
  'schemas': [ 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User',
  'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User': {},
  'userName': 'myUser@test.zz'}

Optional Attributes for /Users

The following table describes optional attributes that Axiad Conductor may be used when creating or updating a user. These additional attributes may be required depending on the features enabled in your Axiad tenant.

If your organization requires additional attributes not listed below to be mapped, work with Axiad Customer Success to ensure they are mapped appropriately.

SCIM Attribute

Value Data Type



Single-value String

Required for Microsoft Active Directory certificate based authentication. 


Single-value String

The user's user name.


Supported sub-attribute:
familyName, formatted, givenName, middleName, honorificPrefix, honorificSuffix

Single-value String

The components of the user's name, including their last name, first name, middle name, and/or any honorifics.


Single-value String

The user's title, such as "Vice President".


Supported types:
work, home, other

Supported sub-attribute:
formatted, streetAddress, locality, region, postalCode, country, primary

Multi-value String

The user's physical mailing address.


Supported types:
work, mobile, home, fax, pager, other

Single-value String

The user's phone number.


Single-value String

The user's enterprise employee ID.


Single-value String

The user's enterprise department.


Single-value String

The ID of the enterprise user's manager that is returned in the SCIM response when the manager user was created. 


Single-value String

Enterprise cost center for the User.


Single-value String

The user's enterprise organization.

  • This string only accepts one organization, as there is no organization hierarchy defined in the SCIM standard.


Single-value String

The user's enterprise division.

urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:CustomExtensionName:2.0:User:<custom attribute name>

Single-value String

Additional attributes may be defined and used as required.

Example: User Creation with Optional Attributes

The following is an example data payload for creating a user with the required minimum attributes and optional attributes: 

{'active': 'true',
 'addresses': [{'country': 'US',
                'formatted': '2666 Glen St\n Sometown, AK 49864',
                'type': 'work'}],
 'displayName': 'Nancy Peterson',
 'emails': [{'type': 'work', 'value': 'n.peterson@testcompany.zz'}],
 'externalId': '2a58b480-f3cc-439a-ac7c-85528a89c105',
 'name': {'familyName': 'Peterson', 'givenName': 'Nancy'},
 'phoneNumbers': [{'type': 'work', 'value': '947-175-6522'},
                  {'type': 'mobile', 'value': '271-349-8903'}],
 'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User',
 'title': 'Health and safety adviser',
 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:CustomExtensionName:2.0:User': {'objectSid': 'S-1-5-21-186985262-1144665072-74031268-1309'},
 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User': {'costCenter': '34894',
                                                                'department': 'Department1',
                                                                'division': 'Division1',
                                                                'employeeNumber': '98724398',
                                                                'manager': '67273dc5-a217-45a7-ba0e-e1ac23910c18',
                                                                'organization': 'Org1'},
 'userName': 'n.peterson@corp.testcompany.zz'}

Create user response:

{'active': 'true',
 'addresses': [{'country': 'US',
                'formatted': '2666 Glen St\n Sometown, AK 49864',
                'type': 'work'}],
 'displayName': 'Nancy Peterson',
 'emails': [{'type': 'work', 'value': 'n.peterson@testcompany.zz'}],
 'externalId': '2a58b480-f3cc-439a-ac7c-85528a89c105',
 'name': {'familyName': 'Peterson', 'givenName': 'Nancy'},
 'phoneNumbers': [{'type': 'work', 'value': '947-175-6522'},
                  {'type': 'mobile', 'value': '271-349-8903'}],
 'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User',
 'title': 'Health and safety adviser',
 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:CustomExtensionName:2.0:User': {'objectSid': 'S-1-5-21-186985262-1144665072-74031268-1309'},
 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User': {'costCenter': '34894',
                                                                'department': 'Department1',
                                                                'division': 'Division1',
                                                                'employeeNumber': '98724398',
                                                                'manager': '67273dc5-a217-45a7-ba0e-e1ac23910c18',
                                                                'organization': 'Org1'},
 'userName': 'n.peterson@corp.testcompany.zz'}

Required Attributes for /Groups

Synchronizing groups to Axiad Conductor enables the use of security roles, such as the Operator role, in Axiad Conductor.

The following table describes the required group attributes when creating a group in Axiad Conductor via SCIM. There are other data attributes such as id and meta that are included in the create response (but are not described below as they are part of the standard SCIM data definition).

SCIM Attribute

Value Data Type



Single-value String

A user ID defined by the client. 

  • Must be unique only within the resources associated with the associated tenant.


Single-value String

The Group's display name.


Multi-valued attribute

A list of group members

  • While values may be added or removed, sub-attributes of members are immutable.

  • Each member value is an "id" that is returned from the SCIM create response for that user.

Example: Group Creation

The following is an example data payload for creating a group:

{ 'displayName': 'architect compelling experiences',
  'externalId': '1476d9d6-421f-4d38-96e0-a6055ae5e397',
  'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group']}

Create group response:

<Response [201]>
{ 'displayName': 'architect compelling experiences',
  'externalId': '1476d9d6-421f-4d38-96e0-a6055ae5e397',
  'id': 'b8250d5f-f4e3-4e68-9b58-a6b57745f007',
  'meta': { 'created': '2023-08-22T16:09:38Z',
            'lastModified': '2023-08-22T16:09:38Z',
            'location': '',
            'resourceType': 'group'},
  'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group']}

Example: Update a Group by Adding Members

The following is an example data payload for adding members to an existing group:

{ 'Operations': [ { 'op': 'add',
                    'path': 'members',
                    'value': [ { 'value': '49c2c6ab-881f-45ec-a4a0-27abcdef4ddd'},
                               { 'value': 'b321f41a-49d8-4b81-8203-3f302ca90540'}]}],
  'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp']}

Create group response:

<Response [200]>
{ 'displayName': 'strategize cutting-edge schemas',
  'externalId': '1e1ad3bb-2855-4520-8d4a-88603fb36d73',
  'id': '391f78dc-c8dd-4f80-9da0-c8bdb08af348',
  'meta': { 'created': '2023-08-22T16:19:41Z',
            'lastModified': '2023-08-22T16:19:41Z',
            'location': '',
            'resourceType': 'group'},
  'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group']}

Data Mapping

If an attribute is sent by an IdP over SCIM, and the attribute is not mapped in the Axiad Conductor tenant, no errors return from Axiad Conductor to the IdP, and the unmapped information is not stored (per the SCIM standard RFC 7644, “Since the server is free to alter and/or ignore POSTed content“).

Since the data is not mapped, it is not returned to the IdP and fails validation. This may cause the IdP to queue the non-mapped data to be sent again in the next SCIM synchronization. This causes additional SCIM synchronizations until the data is mapped. 

To avoid this, contact the Axiad Customer Success team to ensure the required data fields are synchronized.

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