- 13 Dec 2024
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Axiad ID Mobile App
- Updated on 13 Dec 2024
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What is Axiad ID?
Axiad ID is a mobile authenticator app that makes signing into sites and accounts more secure.

How is It Useful?
Axiad ID provides one factor of authentication for your multi-factor authentication requirements.
When you log into a site that requires multi-factor authentication, one of your identification factors can be a six-digit code automatically generated by the Axiad ID mobile authenticator app. You send a request to the Axiad ID app from the site, and once the app receives the request and you approve it, it generates a one-time code for you to enter.
Enterprise Users
Axiad ID provides a seamless way for enterprise users to authenticate to various corporate applications. If you are an enterprise user, you can leverage the Axiad ID Push Notification Authentication (PNA) to login to a corporate application. When you try to login to your enterprise application, a request is sent to your Axiad ID app on your mobile device. Approving it authenticates your credentials and allows you to login.
Non-enterprise Users
As a non-enterprise user, you can use this app to provide an extra layer of security while authenticating to third-party applications like Gmail, Yahoo, Amazon, and more. You can generate event-based one-time passwords (HOTP) or time-based one-time passwords (TOTP), which you can authenticate to these applications.
Which Axiad Conductor Packages Require It?
None of Axiad’s cloud packages require you to use this application.
Can I Automatically Install and Deploy It for My Users?
No, each user must download the app to their device. Enterprise users can then enroll it via their My Identities page in the Unified Portal.