Install the Axiad WebPCSC Component
  • 22 Apr 2024
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Install the Axiad WebPCSC Component

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Article summary

To make your browser talk to the identity devices plugged into the machine, you must locally install the WebPCSC application (Windows/MacOS). Only chromium-based browsers are supported.


Single-user installation is supported for testing only.

The Installation File

You can obtain the most up-to-date installation file from the Axiad Technical Support team, who will send you a link to the installation package via our secure file sharing system. The package provides no installation options other than those provided by standard .msi or .pkg packages.


There are three Windows versions of the WebPCSC package:

  • axiad-webpcsc-native-<VERSION>-admin.msi: The Windows installer for all users. This requires local administration rights on the Windows machine.

  • axiad-webpcsc-native-<VERSION>-user-ui.msi: The Windows installer for only the current user. Recommended for testing only.

  • axiad-webpcsc-native-<VERSION>-user.msi: The silent Windows installer for the current user. Recommended for testing only.


There is one MacOS version of the WebPCSC package:

  • axiad-webpcsc-<VERSION>.pkg: The MacOS installer for all users on the machine. This requires an account with administrative privileges.

    • This installer can also be used for only the current user. Recommended for testing only.


Always use the latest version unless otherwise instructed by the Axiad Technical Support team.

Install Axiad WebPCSC

Install WebPCSC on Windows

Install the Package Manually

  1. Run the .msi installation file.

  2. Provide elevated privileges (if needed).
    The installation is silent, and there are no options.

  3. Once the installer finishes, restart your browser.

  4. The installation is complete.

Install the Package Automatically

  • You can publish/assign the administrative version of the package using a GPO or any third-party package management solution. There are no options that need to be set.


Once installation completes, restart your browser.

Install WebPCSC on MacOS

Install the Package Manually on a Single MacOS Workstation


When installing this for all users, this package requires access to an account with administrator privileges.

  1. Run the axiad-webpcsc-<VERSION>.pkg installation file to open the Installation Wizard.

  2. Click Continue.

  3. In the Destination Select window, select Install for all users on this computer.
    If you are installing this as a test for only the logged-in user, select Install for me only.

  4. Click Continue.

  5. Enter your machine administrator username and password.

  6. Click Install Software.

  7. When the Success window displays, the installation is complete.

Automatically Deploy WebPCSC to Multiple Managed MacOS Workstations

Jamf Pro can be used to remotely deploy and install software packages to managed workstations. There are three steps involved in configuring the remote deployment and installation of software packages:

  1. Configure a Distribution Point.

    We will use a File Share Distribution Point as an example.

    1. In Jamf Pro, go to All Settings > Server Infrastructure > File Share Distribution Points.

    2. Click New.

    3. Provide a name and the hostname or IP address of the server that will serve as distribution point.

    4. Click the File Sharing tab.

    5. Complete the form with the protocol to use (SMB, AFP), the name of the network share, and account information.

    6. Click Save.

    7. The new file share distribution point is configured.

  2. Add the package to Jamf Pro.

    1. In Jamf Pro, go to All Settings > Computer Management > Packages.

    2. Click New.

    3. Complete the form with the display name and actual file name stored in the distribution point.

    4. Click Save.

    5. The new software package is in Jamf Pro.

  3. Add a policy to deliver and install the package.

    The final step to complete the necessary configuration to remotely deploy and install a package is to configure a policy to do it.

    1. In Jamf Pro, navigate to Computers > Policies.

    2. Click New.

    3. Complete the form under General as needed with the display name, trigger(s), execution frequency, and target drive.

    4. Click the Scope tab.

    5. Select the target computers as needed.

    6. Click Save.

    7. The new policy is configured, and it is executed immediately.

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