- 06 Feb 2025
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Okta Identity Provider Integration
- Updated on 06 Feb 2025
- 3 Minutes to read
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You can integrate your Okta Identity Provider (IdP) with Axiad Mesh to ensure that your users are securely logging into the portal.
The integration requires updates on both Okta and Axiad Mesh.
Okta IdP Configuration Steps
These steps are Axiad’s current understanding of the configuration. Since Okta is a third-party product, there may be slight variations between your experience and what the guide describes. We work hard to keep things as up to date as possible, but depending on versions in use, latest updates, etc., there may be some mismatches.
If you find any blatant differences or anything that does not make sense, then please provide feedback on this article.
Log into your Okta administrative portal and navigate to Applications under the Applications menu
Click the Create App Integration button
On the Create a new app integration page, select OIDC - OpenID Connect as the Sign-in method
Select Web Application as the Application Type
Under General Settings on the New Web App Integration page, set the App integration name to a friendly name, e.g. Axiad Mesh
Enable Client Credentials for the Grant type option
Add the Sign-in redirect URI
The format for this is
Replace <domain> with the name that matches the UPN domain component, e.g. acme.com for users such as johnsmith@acme.com
Copy this domain value as you will use it in the Axiad Mesh configuration steps as well (step 3 below)
Multiple Domain Support
You can configure multiple IdP connections in Axiad Mesh to handle multiple domains
Under Assignments, select Limit access to selected groups and then specify the group(s) that are allowed access to Axiad Mesh
This is an optional step, but encouraged to ensure only the users you want to access Axiad Mesh have the ability to do so
Click Save
Copy the following information from the Okta setup to complete the configuration in Axiad Mesh (step 5 below):
Okta Tenant ID
Client ID
Client Secret
The Okta Tenant ID is the value without the
prefix; and should not include the-admin
Axiad Mesh Configuration Steps
You can integrate your Okta IdP with Axiad in the initial onboarding process as the primary IdP; or as a secondary IdP after you configured another IdP as the primary IdP.
For more information about the initial onboarding process, please review the Axiad Mesh Admin Onboarding Guide.
Initial Onboarding Configuration
If you are adding Okta as your primary IdP during your initial onboarding, then complete the following steps.
After clicking on the access link from the Axiad Mesh welcome email, you will be prompted to set up your primary IdP
Set the Domain to the domain value included in the Okta URI value in step 7 above
Select Okta Single-sign-on from the Provider dropdown
Fill in the fields with the values copied from the Okta configuration (step 10 above)
On the next screen, set the Admin groups based on which users you would like to be Axiad Mesh admins when logging in with Okta
Okta Group Limitations
Only users that are in the groups included in step 8 above can access Axiad Mesh, so for any groups you add here, be sure that they are members of any group limitations made in Okta.
Click Continue and then you’ll be logged into the Axiad Mesh portal for the first time
Secondary IdP Configuration
If you already have your initial IdP connected and need to add a new one or you need to replace the existing one, then you can connect your Okta IdP from the Axiad Mesh administrative portal.
From the homepage, click on the gear icon to get to the Settings page
Select Identity providers from the left-hand menu and click + Add identity provider
On the Add identity provider page, set the Domain to the domain value included in the Okta URI value in step 7 above
Select Okta Single-sign-on from the Provider dropdown
Fill in the fields with the values copied from the Okta configuration (step 10 above)
Set the Admin groups based on which users you would like to be Axiad Mesh admins when logging in with Okta
Okta Group Limitations
Only users that are in the groups included in step 8 above can access Axiad Mesh, so for any groups you add here, be sure that they are members of any group limitations made in Okta.
Once the fields are filled out, click Test Connection
Upon a successful test, click Add & Connect
Once completed, you’ll see the new IdP listed on the Identity providers page