Update Axiad Notification Template
  • 18 Mar 2025
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Update Axiad Notification Template

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Article summary

You can edit the content of any of the notification templates to provide tailored content to your users. Modifications are completely optional and are not required unless you want to change the default notification template.

To change a notification template, reach out to Axiad Customer Success

Available Modifications

You can request changes to the following items in a notification template:

  • Email Recipients: In addition to sending the notification to the user who triggered it, you can have it sent to additional users or even users within a specific role. You can add them to the To, CC, or BCC lists.

  • Updated Text: You can update the content that is shown in the email body and / or the subject field.

  • Dynamic Fields: You can employ dynamic fields within the text to tailor the content directly to the user receiving the notification

  • Attachments: You can include attachments to the email, such as instructions, company policies, etc.

Update Template with HTML

In addition to modifying the recipients and contents of the notification, you can also include HTML with inline images to fully customize the experience.

To include HTML in your notification template, provide the following to Axiad Customer Success:

  • HTML markup, starting with <!DOCTYPE html>

  • Image file(s) that you include in the HTML template

    • If you are not using any images, then this is not required


  • The filename of the image provided must match the filename used in the HTML markup

  • Image size should be no larger than 1 MB

  • Allowed image types are png, jpg and jpeg

  • Maximum 10 images can be uploaded for one notification template

Example HTML Template

HTML Body:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<p><b>Hi,</b> <br>
this is a test mail. Please do not reply as this is an auto generated mail.
<b>Image 1</b> </br> </br>
<img src="diamond.jpeg"></br></br>
Thanks, </br>


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